Pest Control That Gives Back

Better Jobs. Better Service. Better World.
That’s the motto that drives us to be different than any other pest control company.
Create quality, local jobs that encourage employees to flourish, take ownership and feel proud of their work.
Provide local pest control service that is quick and reliable.
And help improve the world by starting right here in the local community.
Every Service, Review, and Referral Makes A Difference
At LOCAL Bug Guy, we created a give-back point system so every time we keep our promise we can better help the community.
Every time one of our techs completes a new and quarterly service, helps us earn a 5-star review, or initiates a successful customer referral, they earn points. And once they hit certain milestones, we do something amazing for the community.
Milestone 1: Give $1,000 to LBG customers in need during December
Milestone 2: Give 2 scholarships instead of 1 to a local high school senior
Milestone 3: Purchase $2,500 in food and donate to a local food bank
Milestone 4: Donate $2,000 to a local charity-tech’s choice

Be Part of Giving Back
Become a LOCAL Bug Guy customer today and be part of giving back! Or if you’re already an LBG customer, help us spread the word by referring your family and friends.